English|ジャーナリスト/コミュニティ・プロデューサー木村麻紀 公式サイト Poco a Poco
Who's Who?
Maki Kimura's Profile&Works
As a freelance journalist since 2003,
I continue covering sustainablity-oriented
business practices and lifestyles not only in Japan but also worldwide.
Work history
April 1995- September 2003 ;
staff writer at Jiji Press
October 2003- September 2006;
becoming freelance and moving to Munich, Germany
September 2004- May 2005;
visiting fellow at Columbia University Graduate School
of Business Social Enterprise Program
(supported by Fulbright Grant)
October 2006-;
back to Tokyo and launch a new business magazine "Alterna" as an associate editor. Past interviews include US former Vice President Al Gore and 2006 Novel Peace Prize recipient Muhammad Yunus.
As of September 2023, a freelance journalist and a partner for Circular Economy Hub Editorial Team and Econetworks
Areas of interest
Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs),ESG, Circular Economy, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Social Entrepreneurship, Organic Agriculture, Green Building, Complimentary and Alternative Medical Practices, Sustainable Travel, Socially Responsible Investment (SRI), Sustainable Finance, Lifestyles of Health and Sustainability (LOHAS) etc.
Books (both published in June 2006)
"LOHAS Worldreport -How to live in a sustainable society for me, you and the planet"(Kirakusha)
From organic agriculture to CSR, the book presents a various
examples around the world which seek for sustainable society.
"The origin of tasty German beer -Local production
for local consumption in Bavaria-" (Gakugei-Shuppan)
Based on the question of why the German beer tastes good
compared to Japanese beer,the book offers the better
understanding of the importance of making beer (food also)
in a decent way by using local stuffs, as well as the public
policy with ecological consideration,
healthy development of the local communities and local business.
If you are interested in my works,
please click "contact me" on a front page and send me an e-mail!